ponedeljek, 31. marec 2014

Vsega lepega je enkrat konec...


najprej hvala za vsa spodbudna sporočila, ki sem jih prejel od vas zadnje dni. Renata se je poslovila od Dubaja in se vrnila v svoj rodni Sao Paulo. Zaradi bolezni v družini se je odločila, da bo v večjo podporo doma, kot pa daleč stran v Dubaju. Stal sem ji ob strani, ko je sprejela to odločitev, čeprav mi je bilo zelo težko pri srcu, saj sem se zavedal, da bom izgubil najboljšo prijateljico, s katero sva preživela skupaj vsaj prost trenutek v Dubaju.

sobota, 22. marec 2014

It is time to say goodbye

I knew you for three years now
And those three years knowing you
Are the best years I ever had
You helped me become the person
That I am today

I always knew that someday
We would have to say goodbye
We were suppose to have one last year together
The last year that we would have fun

But now, I see that you have to go
And leave us behind
Soon, we would grow apart and
We would soon just become a memory

But I just want you to know
That you will always forever be in my heart
No matter what happens
I'll always love you

Although this goodbye is just temporary
This is the hardest goodbye
For me to say

Wipe your tear off your cheek
And please, for the last time
Smile your beautiful smile
And don't worry
We'll meet again someday

For the last time
Hug me goodbye
And tell me that you'll always be there for me.

Renata I will miss you so much!!!!!!! :-(